UPDATE 14 February 2024: The draft LOCHGOIL LOCAL PLACE PLAN is here! 

Please use the links below to check out the draft Plan:

  • In a rush? Look at the summary HERE
  • Got more time? Read the full plan HERE
  • Want to discuss the plan with the Steering Group before you comment? Come along to our coffee morning on 17th February – details HERE
  • Sorry, on-line survey now closed, as of 14th March. Many thanks to those who have responded.

Deadline: Wednesday 13th March

Paper copies of the draft Plan are available for review, in the Village Hall, Boat Shed Cafe, Medical Centre, Post Office and Phone Box Library.

Lochgoil Our Place, Our Plan is our opportunity to create and deliver a plan for Loch Goil that we are proud to call home, fit for future generations.

The aim of this ‘Local Place Plan’ is to provide a vision for a more sustainable and resilient future, bringing together actions by the local community, the Council, Trusts and others covering issues like getting about, housing, community facilities, services and activities, and nature and the environment.

Preparation of the plan has been led by the local community, funded by The Scottish Government through Loch Lomond and the Trossachs National Park Authority and Lochgoil Community Trust. Community engagement started back in July 2023, and we are now ready to share the draft plan with you.

About the Author

Leonard Gow is the webmaster for the community website. Use the CONTACT box, top left, on the website if you would like anything added, changed, or with your comments.